As I said, I started from Zero and am getting now in Hundreds.
I am not the only person living on Online money. There are a lot of Gurus, earning five or six figures monthly grinding Online Business. They are teaching a small portion of their experienced knowledge to newbies like you and me. But, they charge for their service. We can't blame them. That is the Prime Nature a Online Businessman must possess.
They will show you a small light and you have to find your fortune in that light. If you loose, nobody cares you, even your loved ones. If you succeed, everyone looks at you caring and will definitely ask you to tell them the success secret.
I have undergone lots and lots of failures and pains. Now only I am sighing in relief, having got good money. I can duplicate my Money Making Method over and over to earn more.
Now I am focusing on Blogging only.
I am going to tell you how I did all these things.
If you are new to blogging, this blog will be a good source. Or, you are already a Big Bloggist, please give your suggestions to me and other newbies.